Showing Your Home

To prepare your home for viewing, make it as light, cheerful and serene as possible.

  • Open heavy drapes

  • Turn on all the lights

  • Make sure windows are clean


when preparing your home, think about the techniques that are used to show builders' model homes. You should not be present while the house is being shown to prospective buyers. This is done because your presence will inhibit their actions and conversations. They won't feel free to open closets and cabinets, test out the plumbing, and discuss their observations objectively as they walk through.

It goes without saying that your children and pets should not be on the premises either.

In preparing for showing the house, you should:

  • Pull the drapes back

  • Light lamps

  • Simmer a few drops of vanilla on the stove

  • Light your fireplace

  • Set the dining room or kitchen table if you have particularly nice linen or china

  • Put fresh towels in the bathroom; and then

  • Leave the house so your agent is free to deal with prospective buyers in a professional manner.